This rare and wonderful drug Luffa Operculata has great role in the Homoeopathy, in curing the sick. Now a days you will find many cases of Sinusitis, Allergic Rhinitis, Migrain, Bronchial Asthma and Hay Fever. This medicine is having big rank amongst the polychrest remedies like, Ars a, All c, Nat m, Kali bich, Sil, etc. is having more cure rate. Our Modern life is full of these type of ENT diseases, in every third person you will find, chest allergy, throat Nasal and migrain.
In the year of 1963 SCHWABE conducted the study on Luffa Operculata. He has done more experiments. He has also written book on the Luffa Oeprculata in Bronchial Asthma. This medicine is having very good action in the following potencies 6x, 12x, also in 50 millesimal potency 0/3, 0/6. I am giving you in brief the Characterstic symptoms of Luffa Operculata:
Lack of concentration, absent minded, anger at trifles.
Pain in the forehead agg in stuffy room, morning, Amel evening and oversensitive to light.
Eyes heavy dry, tearful with sensitivity to light, heavy vision. Chronic rhinitis, with involvement of the sinuses.
Nose obstructed, with frequent sneezing, cold with sinus, dryness of inner nose. Sinusitis with headache and watery discharge from the nose.
Throat dryness, inflammation coated. Mouth dryness, metallic of bitter taste, ulcers corners cracked.
Tongue thickly coated with ulcers. Chest pain during sneezing coughing. Wheezing and rattling sound in the chest with difficult to expectorate.
Respiration difficult by little exertion. Cough spasmodic Agg by cold breeze, dust fog. Etc.
Agg by dust, exposure to cold, night, early morning.
Amel by heat, covering the head.
Few cases treated by Luffa Operculata :-
Mr. V. Age 20, cough from the last two-months, cough was rattling expectoration difficult, dyspnoea on little exertion, cough was Agg morning, prostration. Built was tall & slim. Luffa Operculata 0/3 one globule in 40z of dist. water was given, 10strokes to be given bottle, than one teaspoon dos of medicine is to mixed in 1/2 cup of water. Stir well and take one teaspoon does, rest is to be destroyed, like this medicine is to be taken three times a day. Within a day boy felt better. Now he was completely all right within a week.
2nd Case
Mr. H. Age 40 years, complaint of severe headache in small spot, in different location of the head, he feels as if abscess is forming in the scalp. Repeated attack of coryza, violent sneezing agg morning and night. Lethargic aversion to work. Luffa Operculata 0/3 was repeated in the same way as it was repeated in the first case. Headache was much better within a week. Next week he had mild attack of coryza in between Bacillinum 0/6 one dose was given. The patient become much better, now he looks to be more cheerful. Like this treatment was continued for one month. The patient was free from all type of symptoms.
3rd Case
Mr. K. Age 29 years was suffering from severe attack of sinusitis, nose block agg morning and night. Cough spasmodic, dry with little foamy expectoration. Expectoration amel cough, cough agg morning after breakfast and after dinner, and on alternate days. On auscultation chest wheezing sound & whistling sound Respiration difficult. H/O Nasal Polyp, Left side operated 1979. Piles. Patient likes warm drinks, prostration from cough, dullness of mind, absent-minded. Luffa Operculata 6x was taken three times a day. Patient was feeling better within a two days. He continued the treatment for a month, he was free from symptoms.
D.H.M.S. (Pb.)
Kanwal Cinema Road,
E-mail:kjuneja@homoeopathicadvisor. com
Ph. 0164-2250332, 0164-3091231