Conor McCreaddie of Wallsend, North Tyneside, an eight year old British boy, who weighs 14 stone (over 90 kg), more than three times the average for a child of his age, could be taken from his family and placed into care for health reasons.
Local health authority consider it as a last resort to help him lose weight.
An intensive exercise programme and some diet changes have helped him come down by a stone and half (21 lbs, 9.5 kilos) since before Christmas when he weighed 15 stone 8 lbs (218 lbs or 98.9 kilos).
His mother, 35-yer-old Nicola McKeown, who is a single mother, said the boy had always been big. She said he likes processed foods and when she attempts to feed him with health foods like salads, vegetables and fruits, he just refuses to eat or spits them out.
Conor will attend a child protection conference this week.