Hypertension – Carcinosin

A Muslim lady, 75years old presented with the C/o Fluctuating Hypertension. She was very calm, silent lady with a delicate constitution. She also had the C/o severe constipation; she often used to pass stool at the interval of 8-10 days. Her husband had died due to Carcinoma of lung. Careful interrogation revealed that she used to keep all her emotions under the emotional wrapping and never allowed it to come to the fore.

Taking into account the fluctuation in her B.P. as CHANGEABILITY, obstinate constipation, husband’s H/o cancer*; I prescribed CARCINOSIN 30/ 3 doses (12 hourly).

The effect was absolutely magical. She passed normal stool for first time in years together. Gradually, her fluctuating B.P. stabilized at around 150/80mmHg. without any allopathic medicine.

*A few cases in my clinical practice have guided me to consider H/o cancer in the husband for prescribing for his wife and children and vice-versa —- even cancer in children may sometime give a good clue for prescribing CARCINOSIN in parents.

Carcinosin: Pleasure in Prescribing
From the desk of: Prof. L. M. Khan, M.D.(HOM.)
HOD, Deptt. of Organon, Homoeopathic Philosophy, Chronic Disease & Psychology,
National Institute of Homoeopathy, Kolkata, India.

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