Homeopathic Medicine :: Belladonna – Deadly Nightshade

Indicated in active congestion of any part of the body; especially cerebral; in inflammation not fully localized.

Congestion with hot and flushed face, starting eyes, throbbing carotids, great mental excitement.

Pulsations of blood vessels; hears them when trying to go to sleep and is kept awake by them.

Irritation of special senses; eyes sensitive to light; ears to loud sounds; hallucinations of smell.

Violent delirium; seeks to escape; strikes; bites; tears things to pieces; with heat, redness and throbbing.

Headache, congestive, throbbing, with sense of fulness; worse from light, jar, noise, lying down; better from pressure and in semi-erect position.

Headache form having hair cut; from exposure to hot sun.

Vertigo when stooping or rising, with inclination to fall backward or to the left.

Tongue white with red edges; red; strawberry tongue.

Throat sore, worse on right side; constant inclination to swallow; difficulty of swallowing, especially liquids, which often return through the nose.

Abdomen hot, distended; cutting pain; feels a though the internal parts were firmly clutched by a strong hand, causing severe pain; with intolerance of touch, jar or pressure, even of the bedclothes.

Stools green, thin; in lumps like chalk;

In women, labor-like pain, with pressure downward as though the pelvic contents would issue through the vagina.

Haemorrhage of hot, bright-red blood. Menses too early, too profuse.

Cough short, dry, tickling; barking; convulsive; with pain and soreness in the larynx. Bubbling sensation near the heart.

Skin dry, hot, red; eruption uniform, bright red, disappearing under pressure of the finger and returning again when the finger is removed.

Pain increases gradually until intense, then suddenly ceases, to recur in same manner.

Preference for the right side.

Worse from touch, jar, noise, from lying down, from having hair cut, from exposure to hot sun.

Better in a semi-erect position.

(First Lessons in the Symptomatology of Leading Homoeopathic Remedies by H. R. Arndt, M. D. Philadephia. Boericke and Tafel.)

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