An infant male-baby namely, A… born on 16th September 2001 came to me on 20th December 2001 with following complaints (narrated by his mother):
* Excessive crying without cause.
* Left sided inguinal hernia.
* History of epileptic fits three days after birth.
* Caesarean delivery.
Totally un-prepared the mother conceived this baby two months after her first delivery. She even planned to abort which she could not. Impliedly this child was un-welcome. I observed that mother was little indifferent towards the child even today.
The absence of the motherly emotions caused mortification right from the stage of existence of the identity to which the child expressed in epileptic fit initially and constant crying at a developed stage. All neurological tests conducted showed nothing significant.
I prescribed Aurum Metallicum 0/1 twice a day relating to the hopelessness, despondent state, and a state of almost dwelling on suicide.
The mother along with the child re-appeared on 3rd January 2002 in an amazed state confirming that the child stopped crying within a day from medication. However, on fifth day the child did weep on account of hunger but surprising to her the hernia was not there. After feeding the child slept calmly. No complaint now. To my observation the child’s face expression were altogether different.