Health :: Sexual Disorders

Typically sexual disorders are disturbances in the sexual response, in a brief we have to understand the normal human sexual response cycle. This is divided into different phases

1. Sexual Desire Diminished: – There is an absence of fantasies and desire for sex. This does not imply an in ability to experience sexual pleasures; but it makes the starting of sexual act less likely.

This disorder is more common in females, due to fear of pregnancy, unsatisfactory past sexual experiences, weakness, menses after this disorder can come in the following symptoms:

Female; SEXUAL; desire; diminished
Female; SEXUAL; desire; diminished; coition, during
Female; SEXUAL; desire; diminished; weakness, with
Female; SEXUAL; desire; wanting; married, with obsession of being
Female; SEXUAL; desire; wanting; menses, after
Female; SEXUAL; desire; wanting; widows, in
Male; SEXUAL; desire; diminished; absence, complete
Male; SEXUAL; desire; diminished; diabetes, in
Male; SEXUAL; desire; diminished; erections, with
Male; SEXUAL; desire; diminished; erections, without
Male; SEXUAL; desire; diminished; indifference, with
Male; SEXUAL; desire; wanting; fleshy people, in

2. Sexual Aversion Disorder and Lack of Sexual Enjoyment: – There is an aversion to and avoidance of all sexual activity with a sexual partner. The thought of sex causes anxiety and negative feeling. This disorder is more common in females e.g.

Mind; AVERSION; sex, to; opposite
Mind; AVERSION; sex, to

3. Excessive Sexual Desire: – This is rarely increased in both men (satyriasis) and women (nymphomania) may complain of excessive sexual desire in the following symptoms:

Male; SEXUAL; desire; excessive; ungovernable
Male; SEXUAL; desire; excessive; children, in
Male; SEXUAL; desire; excessive; children, in; puberty, at
Male; SEXUAL; desire; increased; ability decreased
Male; SEXUAL; desire; increased; erections; with
Male; SEXUAL; desire; increased; erections; without
Male; SEXUAL; desire; increased; old man, in an
Male; SEXUAL; desire; increased; old man, in an; impotent, but
Male; SEXUAL; desire; increased; sight of erotic things, at
Male; SEXUAL; desire; increased; talking with women, when
Male; SEXUAL; desire; increased; touching a woman, when

Female; SEXUAL; desire; increased
Female; SEXUAL; desire; increased; busy, must keep, to repress it
Female; SEXUAL; desire; increased; coition, from
Female; SEXUAL; desire; increased; girls, in young
Female; SEXUAL; desire; increased; love disappointments, after
Female; SEXUAL; desire; increased; old women
Female; SEXUAL; desire; increased; sterile women, in
Female; SEXUAL; desire; removed after coition, not
Female; SEXUAL; desire; violent; itching of vulva, from
Female; SEXUAL; desire; violent; masturbation, driving her to
Female; SEXUAL; desire; violent; virgins, in
Female; SEXUAL; desire; violent; widows, in

4. Impotence (Male Erectile Disorder): – This is very common disorder. This disorder is characterized by an inability to have or sustain penile erection till the completion of satisfactory sexual activity. This can be due to following causes

Hormonal disturbances, diseases like mumps, diabetes mellitus, Brain tumour, multiple sclerosis, cardiovascular disorder, Alcohol and drugs.

In case of psychological impotence. The early morning erection and erection during sleep are usually preserved. This type of impotence can be due to

— Lack of knowledge about the sex
–Fear of failure and performance anxiety (e.g. during Honeymoon)
–Marital conflicts
–Lack of privacy
–Inferiority complex
–Fear of pregnancy
–Fatigue (after the day’s hard work)
–Anxiety disorder
–Mood disorder

This disorder can come in the following symptoms:

Male; ERECTIONS, troublesome; delayed
Male; ERECTIONS, troublesome; delayed; coition, during
Male; ERECTIONS, troublesome; incomplete; coition, during
Male; ERECTIONS, troublesome; incomplete; desire, sexual; strong, with
Male; ERECTIONS, troublesome; incomplete; diabetes, with
Male; ERECTIONS, troublesome; incomplete; ejaculation too soon
Male; ERECTIONS, troublesome; incomplete; gonorrhea, after
Male; ERECTIONS, troublesome; incomplete; masturbation, after
Male; ERECTIONS, troublesome; incomplete; relaxed, penis becomes
Male; ERECTIONS, troublesome; incomplete; physical
Male; ERECTIONS, troublesome; incomplete; sexual excess, after
Male; ERECTIONS, troublesome; wanting, impotency; amorous caresses, even after
Male; ERECTIONS, troublesome; wanting, impotency; chronic
Male; ERECTIONS, troublesome; wanting, impotency; continence, from
Male; ERECTIONS, troublesome; wanting, impotency; diabetes with
Male; ERECTIONS, troublesome; wanting, impotency; fright from; coition, during
Male; ERECTIONS, troublesome; wanting, impotency; neurotic impotence
Male; ERECTIONS, troublesome; wanting, impotency; penis; relaxed; excited, when
Male; ERECTIONS, troublesome; wanting, impotency; tobacco, from abuse of

5. Female Sexual Arousal Disorder: – There is failure of genital response. This can be due to psychological and due to pain or vaginal dryness. This disorder can come in the following symptoms:

Female; SEXUAL; desire; wanting; menses, after
Female; SEXUAL; desire; wanting; widows, in
Female; SEXUAL; desire; diminished; coition, during
Female; SEXUAL; desire; diminished; hysterectomy, after
Female; SEXUAL; desire; diminished; weakness, with
Female; COITION; enjoyment; absent
Female; COITION; enjoyment; absent; except after period
Female; COITION; painful
Female; PAIN; General; vagina; coition, during

6. Male Orgasmic Dysfunction: – Failure or marked difficulty to have orgasm, despite normal sexual excitement, during coitus. This can be due to psychological e.g. due to husband wife conflicts, and due to drug induced. This disorder can come in the following symptoms:

Male; COITION; enjoyment; absent
Male; COITION; enjoyment; short
Male; EJACULATIONS, seminal discharge; pleasure less
Male; POLLUTIONS, seminal emissions; tendency; enjoyment; without
Male; EJACULATIONS, seminal discharge; late, too; orgasm subsides several times before it leads to ejaculation

6. Female Orgasmic Dysfunction: – Failure or marked difficulty to have orgasm or enjoyment, despite sexual excitement, during coitus. This dysfunction comes in the following symptoms:

Female; COITION; enjoyment; absent
Female; ORGASM; delayed
Female; ORGASM; wanting

7. Premature Ejaculation: – This dysfunction is defined as ejaculation before the completion of satisfactory sexual activity. In severe cases semen ejaculation is either before penile entry into vagina or soon after penetration. This disorder can come in the following symptoms:

Male; EJACULATIONS, seminal discharge; premature, too quick; coition; before
Male; EJACULATIONS, seminal discharge; premature, too quick; dream of coition; during
Male; EJACULATIONS, seminal discharge; premature, too quick; erection is complete, before
Male; EJACULATIONS, seminal discharge; premature, too quick; excitement; almost without
Male; EJACULATIONS, seminal discharge; premature, too quick; shortly after erection
Male; EJACULATIONS, seminal discharge; premature, too quick;

8. Sexual Pain Disorder: –

1. Vaginismus: – There is an involuntary spasm of outer 1/3 rd of vagina, interfering with coitus. Penile entry is either painful or impossible. This can be in the following symptoms:

Female; COITION; painful; dryness, from
Female; COITION; painful; tension, from
Female; COITION; painful;

2. Dyspareunia: – There is pain in the genital area of either male or female, during coitus. This can come in the following symptoms:

Female; VAGINISMUS; coition; during
Female; VAGINISMUS; coition; during; painful
Female; VAGINISMUS; coition; preventing
Female; VAGINISMUS; emaciatin and constipation, with

Homoeopathic medicines act by increasing the blood supply and exciting the nerves. It also treats psychological problems of the patients by administering a constitutional remedy, which treats him/her in totality. After Homeopathic medicine patient experience a general feeling of well being and thus regains the vigor permanently.

Dr.Kulbhusha Juneja D.H.M.S.
DR. (Mrs.) Renu Juneja D.H.M.S.
Bhushan Homoeopathic Clinic
Kanwal Cinema Road
Near Railway Station
BATHINDA (Pb.) 151005
Ph.(C) 2250332,3091231(R) 2250434
Mobile No.9814203330

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