Cervical Spondylitis :: Cervical Spondylitis, Hypertension and Agnus Castus

Mr. A. 56 years consulted me for what he called cervical spondylitis and hypertension.

He took voluntary retirement some years ago from the bank where he was working as a Manager.

He complained of pain in the nape of neck and heaviness in the forehead. BP was 150/90.

Although financially he was well of, yet he could not reconcile to the present state of his life. He had lot of time, which he did not know how to spend gainfully.

He started some works to keep busy but could not continue as he was overwhelmed with the feeling that he did a mistake in taking voluntary retirement. Thus his life became miserable and he entered into depression.

I selected the following rubrics from Kent?s Repertory

Business incapacity for: Agn., kali-bi., sulph-i.
Contemptuous of self: Agn., cop.

I selected Agnus castus which was given in 0/1 potency 4 times daily for a week.

His report after a week was very encouraging as he felt no pain in nape of neck and his BP came to 130/80.

Agnus castus was continued in 0/1 for 2 more weeks by which time he reported that he no longer repents on his past and started a new business with interest.

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