Bronchitis :: Bronchitis due to failure in love – Hyoscyamus

Though the present science of psychiatry is merely hundred years old, but Great Hahnemann realized the value of mental symptoms in the early nineteenth century. And that is the reason, he has given more importance to the mental symptoms. He has put MIND in the first place in the Materia Medica. He writes in the foot-note to Aphorism No. 16 in his ORGANON OF MEDICINE, VI Edition (Published by B. Jain, Publishers, New Delhi, V & VI Edition)

“Most severe disease may be produced by sufficient disturbance of the vital force through the imagination and also cured by the same means.”

Generally it has been seen that people get affected with various disease when they fail to achieve what they desired due to various circumstances, but they could not get cured through their mental powers as stated in the above foot-note, because of their weak WILL POWER. In such cases the LAW OF CURE i.e. THE LAW OF SIMILIA comes forward to their aid.

A young lady of 23 years of age came to me on 29-10-97 for help for her bronchial trouble, from which she was suffering since 1992 i.e. for five years. She had been under the treatment of so called Modern System with no permanent relief.

On coaxing her, she told me that she had a love affair with a boy. They decided to be life partners. But, her parents forced her to abandon the affair. She did, but she was so deeply affected by this that she became prone to the slight changes in climate. She used to catch cold easily with running of nose and sneezing bouts, followed by attacks of coughing, which used to aggravate at night, thereafter followed dyspnea which also used to aggravate during night. It used to be such that she used to keep sitting during nights, as lying down used to increase the difficulty in breathing very much.

The other symptoms were as follows:
– Much wheezing in trachea.
– Loss of appetite.
– Dryness of mouth.
– Difficulty in swallowing.
– Craving for salt.
– Constipation, stool hard, with inactivity of rectum, sometimes no urging for days.
– Menstrual functions normal.
– Much vertigo.
– Great weakness.

Rx Hyoscyamus 200
At an interval of two days, with placebo intercurrently.

She went on improving gradually, by 21-01-98 she had improved a lot in all respect. During this period a few doses of Natrum Muriaticum 200 were also have to be given as needed by the symptoms.

She reported on 21-01-98 that slight wheezing is persisting, felt on lying down. She also presented her blood report dated 08-01-98, which indicated her E. S. R. as 15mm / hour.

Now, a dose of Tuberculinum 200 followed by a few doses of Arsenicum Album 30 were given.
Since then she is well, she had gained six kilo. of weight during next four months. When she visited me again in December ’98 she had by then became a blooming and charming girl.

The causation in the above case was important.
Kent’s Repertory in chapter MIND, under the Rubric-
Love, ailments, from disappointment (page 63) gives 18 remedies, out of which HYSCYAMUS, IGNATIA, NATRUM MURIATICM and PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM are of first grade.
According to Dr. Kent, if the mental symptoms of a case have similarity with some particular remedy, it can be given with confidence and it will not disappoint. Since, along with the mental symptoms, other symptoms of the case were fitting well in HYOSCYAMUS, so I chose to administer it first.

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