Mrs. S B, F 55 Years, A case of Carcinoma Hard Palate Before, during and after treatment with Carcinosin 1M followed by Hekla lava 30.
Case History-
The lady was having habit of chewing tobacco and beetle for past 30 years. She developed ulcer in upper palate, in hard palate and was diagnosed as Squamous cell Carcinoma Hard palate. Was so poor to afford chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Consulted me for Homoeopathy being cheaper (this was the only cause to consult a Homoeopath, otherwise she was having a myth as Homoeopathy can not do even the least for the persons taking tobacco or so).
Very cunning and skillful lady- revealed by the attendants. Has had good command in every field related to rural ladies. Very poor. Desires- Sweets++, salt+++, spices+, fats++, sour+, Thirsty++. Led a very tough and rigid life since child hood.
Materia medica- Carcinosin was the similimum.
20- 01- 2004
First Photograph
Carcinosin 1 M
Sa lac TDS x 10 days.
Little better. Mild bleeding. Bony hardness of the tumor.
Hekla lava 30 tds
Second photograph
Much more improvement.
Hekla lava 30 TDS
Third Photograph
Marked improvement. Growth regressed.
Same treatment still continued.
Another miracle of Homoeopathy.
? Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma
Homoeo Cure & Research Centre P. Ltd.
N.H. 74, Moradabad Road,
Kashipur- Zip- 244713
Uttaranchal (INDIA)
Ph. 05947- 260327, 274338, 277418, 275535
Fax – 91 5947 274338, Cell – 98 370 48594, 98 371 47000
E. Mail-