Skin Care :: What is radiodermatitis
Radiodermatitis is a skin disease associated with prolonged exposure to radiation.
Radiodermatitis is a skin disease associated with prolonged exposure to radiation.
Beau’s lines are deep grooved lines that run from side to side on the fingernail. They may look like indentations or ridges in the nail plate.
Psoriasis is a skin disease that can have substantial psychological, emotional and social impact on a person with psoriasis and on his/her family and friends.
Psoriasis is a skin disease that causes scaling and swelling. Skin cells grow deep in the skin and slowly rise to the surface. This process is called cell turnover, and it takes about a month. With psoriasis, it can happen in just a few days because the cells rise too fast and pile up on the surface.
Psoriasis is an immune-mediated, noncontagious, genetic disease manifesting in the skin and/or the joints. Psoriasis is a, lifelong skin disease.
In today’s time many children even infants are suffering from Childhood Asthma, and are put on Inhalers & Nebulizers . It is increasing at alarming rate whereas a proper care with appropriate Homoeopathic Treatment can Cure many youngsters and enable them breath normally without the aid of Puffs, Pumps and Nebulizers. Specially in Diwali days it aggravates because of Smoke and Air Pollution caused by Fire Crackers.
Hidradenitis suppurativa or HS is a poorly studied skin disease that affects areas bearing apocrine sweat glands and hair follicles; such as the underarms, groin and buttocks, and under the breasts in women.
It is made from the “Grease” a disease seen in horses. It is a nosode first proved and introduced by Boskowitz of Brooklyn who made the first potencies up to the 30th. It was later proved by Drs. Straube (using 30th potency), Raue, Carleton Smith, Wm. Jefferson, Guernsey, Selfridge, Burnett and Clarke. An extensive proving was carried out by W. P. Wesselhoeft, H.C. Allen, Steere, Holcombe and the students of Hering College in 1900 – 1901. They used 30th, 35th and 200th potencies.
Miss R.D. of 13 years was first brought to us by her mother on 10/10/99. She is of average height, medium built, fair complexion, having dark circles around the eyes, hypo-pigmented patches on the face and thick curly hair.
Master A.D. of 7 years was first seen on 12/9/99. He has fair complexion, dark hair, old looking face & dark circles around eyes.