After a rigorous review process, the American Dental Association (ADA) Council on Scientific Affairs has awarded the ADA Seal of Acceptance to Wrigley sugarfree chewing gums Orbit, Extra, and Eclipse, because they are clinically shown to help prevent cavities, reduce plaque acid and strengthen teeth.
To be considered for the ADA’s Seal of Acceptance, products must withstand demanding review in a variety of areas. Among other things, manufacturers must:
– Supply objective data from laboratory and clinical studies that support the product’s safety, effectiveness and promotional claims
– Submit ingredient lists for review and approval
– Provide evidence that manufacturing and laboratory facilities meet ADA standards
Studies submitted by Wrigley to the Council on Scientific Affairs showed that chewing these gum products for 20 minutes three times a day after meals increases saliva production. Saliva helps neutralize and wash away plaque acid and bathes the teeth in minerals such as calcium, phosphate and fluoride which are known to strengthen tooth enamel and help prevent cavities.
“When you see the ADA Seal on the package of a dental product, you can rest assured that an independent team of experts has evaluated scientific evidence and has concluded the product meets the ADA’s criteria for safety and effectiveness and provides oral health benefits, said ADA Executive Director Dr. James B. Bramson. Now, consumers know that if they chew gum that carries the ADA Seal of Acceptance, they are actually doing more for their oral health than just freshening their breath.”
Other products that have been demonstrated to provide a health benefit and have been awarded the ADA Seal of Acceptance include toothbrushes and toothpastes, dental floss, and mouth rinses. For optimal oral health, the ADA’s daily oral hygiene recommendations are as follows:
– Brush teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste
– Clean between teeth daily with floss or an interdental cleaner
– Eat a balanced diet and
– See your dentist regularly