Carmarthenshire is leading the way forward in its proactive approach to one of Wales? major health issues ? obesity.
Health bodies in the county are working together to tackle what is one of Wales? major health issues for both adults and children.
More than 60 per cent of the UK adult population and 54 per cent of Carmarthenshire?s population is overweight or obese. Obesity has a number of health, social and psychological implications, including increasing the risk of development of heart disease and type-two diabetes.
Locally, a new pilot scheme has been launched to tackle childhood obesity in particular. It involves dietetic staff, school health nurses and health visitors working directly with parents on focused weight management programmes.
Carmarthenshire NHS Trust Dietitian Karen Thomas said: ?This pilot scheme has been developed as a direct result of the formation of a Paediatric Obesity Interest Group, which brings together partners from the Trust, County Council, Education Authority and Local Public Health Team. The group was set-up in 2005 with the aim of optimising healthy living initiatives for children, young people and their families. This particular programme will focus on educating and supporting parents in order to empower them to make the right choices for their child?s diet.?
Other schemes are also starting to have effect. For example the Carmarthenshire Obesity Toolkit, developed by the Local Public Health Team with partner organisations including LHB, Trust, primary care and voluntary sector and launched in 2006, is helping to ensure that health practitioners from organisations across the county are taking a unified approach to weight management issues.
Senior Health Promotion Specialist for the Public Health Team Liz Newbury Davies said: ?The toolkit is a comprehensive; evidence based resource and contains guidance for health professionals in managing and supporting patients with weight problems. Information includes the importance of making lifestyle changes such as eating a healthy balanced diet and the importance of regular activity and how patients can be supported in making these changes .The toolkit has been very well received and is being used by primary care professionals in the county?
Carmarthenshire NHS Trust?s Nutrition and Dietetic Department are also pleased with on-going schemes which have been made possible thanks to two grants from the Welsh Assembly Government?s Food and Fitness Scheme.