Indicated in affections, chiefly of women, resting upon a neurotic basis, as hysteria, melancholia, particularly religious and sexual, and mania, especially puerperal; in these, exaltation of self, fear of death and a remarkable degree of sexual excitement are nearly always present. Also of service in neuralgia (face, head, stomach, ovaries) with a sense of numbness in the parts; ovarian and uterine affections of women who have excessive menstrual flow of dark, clotted blood, albuminous leucorrhoea, and nervous symptoms of reflex origin. In constipation and colic dur to lead-poisoning.
Overpowering self-esteem; arrogance; haughtiness; she feels far superior to her associates.
Objects about her seem smaller that they are; her own stature seems to have increased.
Pain cramp-like, squeezing, crushing (head, root of the nose).
Pain increases and decreases gradually.
Numbness of different parts.
Stools like soft clay, passed with difficulty; they adhere to rectum and anus.
Pressing, cutting and bearing-down in the abdomen and throughout the pelvis, then passing to the sacrum.
Albuminous leucorrhoea.
Menorrhagia of dark, clotted blood.
Sexual passion increased to nymphomania.
Worse from rest; in the evening.
Better from motion.
(First Lessons in the Symptomatology of Leading Homoeopathic Remedies by H. R. Arndt, M. D. Philadephia. Boericke and Tafel.)