Homeopathic Medicine :: CARBO VEG.

1. – Head painfully sensitive to pressure, especially of the hat; sensation remains after hat is taken off, as if bound up with a cloth.

2. – Gums painfully sensitive while chewing.

3. – A version to meat, fat and milk which cause flatulency.

4. – Excessive flatulence, abdomen full to bursting; worse from least food; better from eructations and passing flatus.

5. – Violent, almost constant, empty, sour and rancid eructations.

6. – Great roughness in the larynx, with deep rough voice, which failed, if he exerted it; worse evenings.

7. – Hoarseness and rawness worse evenings; aphonia worse mornings.

8. – Burning in the chest as from glowing coals, with rawness and soreness.

9. – Vital forces nearly exhausted, cold surface, especially from knees to feet; lies as if dead breath cool; pulse intermittent, thready; cold sweat on limbs.

10. – Ailments from quinine, especially suppressed chills and lever; from abuse of mercury, from salt and meats, from putrid meat or fish or rancid fats.

11. – Desire to be fanned, must have more air.

12. – Abdomen feels as if hanging heavily; must walk bent.

13. – Vertigo, must hold onto something; when stooping; also from flatulence

14. – Morning leuchorrhoea, milky, acid and excoriating the parts.


(SEVEN-HUNDRED RED LINE SYMPTOMS from COWPERTHWAITE’S MATERIA MEDICA ; Written by Class of 1897 of Chicago Homoeopathic Medical ; Rewritten by J. W. Hutchison, M. D. of Saginaw, Mich.)

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