Health :: Food Safety Consortium Summarizes Year’s Work

Multiple research projects across three cooperating universities are demonstrating progress that is enabling American producers, processors and consumers to maintain a safe food supply. The Food Safety Consortium summarized that work in its recently completed annual report for the 2005-06 fiscal year.

Gene :: Novel experiment documents evolution of genome in near-real time

UCSD bioengineers report in the November issue of Nature Genetics rapid evolutionary changes in a bacterial genome, observed in near-real time over a few days. Scientists have previously published static “snapshots” of the genome sequences of more than 100 bacterial species, but this new report shows how these genomes are moving targets.

Health :: Growth factor stimulates rapid extension of key motor neurons in brain

A growth factor known to be important for the survival of many types of cells stimulates rapid extension of corticospinal motor neurons — critical brain cells that connect the cerebral cortex with the spinal cord and that die in motor neuron diseases like amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease).

Breast Implants :: Stem cells from fat for breast reconstruction

Breast cancer survivors might one day avoid the prospect of invasive breast reconstruction surgery, opting instead for an approach that would involve using stem cells derived from their own fat, suggest University of Pittsburgh researchers who are studying the potential these cells may have for regenerating new breast tissue.

Influenza :: Novartis cell culture-derived influenza vaccine well tolerated and efficacious

Novartis (NYSE: NVS) announced today results of pivotal Phase III clinical trial data for its innovative cell culture-derived influenza vaccine demonstrating that it is highly capable of producing an immune response (“immunogenic”), one at least as strong as the traditional egg-derived influenza vaccine Aggripal? for each of the three influenza strains studied.