As the campaign heats up for Lok Sabha polls, the Congress and Samajwadi Party have come up with strategies to check BJP leader Narendra Modi’s influence in Uttar Pradesh. Samajwadi Supremo Mulayam Singh Yadav has decided to contest from Azamgargh too besides his constituency Mainpuri, apparently to counter Modi from polarising votes in Eastern Uttar Pradesh.
The Congress announced that it will field a formidable candidate against Modi in Varanansi but its third list of 58 candidates announced last evening did not mention the name of its candidate for Varanasi.
The third list of the Congress shows that Suresh Kalmadi was not given the Pune seat and instead Vishwajit Kalam will fight from there. Many top guns of the Congress however, figured in the list. Kapil Sibal, Krishna Tirath, J.P.Agarwal, Sandeep Dixit and Ajay Makan will be fielded in Delhi while Ajit Yogi will contest from Mahasamund in Chatisgargh. Sachin Pilot remain its candidate from Ajmer, C.P.Joshi from Jaipur and former cricketer Mohammad Azharuddin from Sawai madhopur. V.Narayanasamy will contest from Bangalore North.
The BJP yesterday released its fifth list comprising two candidates for the Lok Sabha Elections. Former Army Chief General V K Singh will be the party candidate from Ghaziabad Parliamentary Constituency in Uttar Pradesh. The other candidate figuring in the list is Shibun Lyngdoh who will contest from the Shillong Lok Sabha seat in Meghalaya.