Blepharoplasty is the primary surgical procedure for eye lifts. Results usually last between five and ten years. Although simple, it has potential complications, including permanent difficulty in closing the eyes or making a stern expression.
Newer techniques, however, are preventing this complication. Assuming the surgeon is experienced, laser surgery is now preferred to the standard surgical scalpel approach; bleeding and bruising are reduced, and both the operation and recovery are faster.
Transconjunctival Upper Blepharoplasty. An innovative procedure called transconjunctival upper blepharoplasty removes fat from the membrane that lines the eyelids (the conjunctiva) and is an effective technique for treating both the upper and lower eyelids. Unlike traditional blepharoplasty, this procedure does not cause scarring in the nasal area. In patients who have scars from previous surgeries, transconjunctival removal of fat can also make existing scars less obvious. Long-term side effects and efficacy of this procedure have not been studied.