Telemedicine :: Telemedicine publication expands coverage

Telemedicine and e-Health, a publication available in print and on-line by Mary Ann Liebert Inc., publishers ( will greatly expand its content and frequency beginning in 2008; a new section, MEDICAL CONNECTIVITY will make its debut in the March issue.

“A new format and the increase of frequency to ten times a year enables more news, roundtable discussions, case studies, interviews with leaders in the field, corporate profiles, technology tutorials, new products, insights, and analyses. Telemedicine and e-Health will be the catalyst for medical connectivity in the broadest sense,” said Mary Ann Liebert, President and CEO. “Telemedicine applications will play an increasingly important role in health care and provide tools that are indispensable for disease management, home health, and remote care that encompasses not only rural health and battlefield care, but nursing home, assisted living facilities, and maritime and aviation applications.”

“Advances in technology including wireless connectivity and mobile devices will give practitioners, medical centers, and hospitals important new tools for managing patient care, electronic records, and medical billing to ultimately enable patients to have more control of their own well being,” continued Liebert. “As the nation once more addresses health care reform, the contributions of telemedicine need to be fully understood and appreciated and reimbursement policies must be in place for these applications.”

“New hardware and software will continue to enable the application of telemedicine around the world,” Liebert added. “Already there are significant collaborations that are enabling better diagnostic capabilities in developing and economically less robust nations. Telemedicine and e-Health will provide vital content to ensure the growth of applications, and the most efficient and evidence-based usage.”

“At the helm of Telemedicine and e-Health are its two distinguished editors, Ronald C. Merrell, MD, FACS, Professor of Surgery and Director, Medical Informatics and Technology Applications Consortium, Virginia Commonwealth University, and Charles R. Doarn, MBA, Deputy Director, Advanced Center for Telemedicine and Surgical Innovation, University of Cincinnati” said Liebert. “Peer-reviewed papers ensure that applications of these tools are best understood and emulated.”

Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. publishes international trade publications and peer-reviewed journals in fields that include biotechnology, disease management, women’s health, and cyberpsychology. Its flagship publication, Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News (GEN) , is the most widely read trade magazine in the field. Divisions of the company include BioConferences International and Membership Management Services Inc. (MMSI).

— Article compiled by Dr. Beenu from medical news release.

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