Need to strengthen Education in Homoeopathy, says Dr. RK Manchanda

A couple of months before, Dr.R.K.Manchanda, the Director General, C.C.R.H. made a presentation before the members of C.C.H. highlighting the need of open mind while deciding policies on education in Homoeopathy because India is the only country in the world to have a strong net-working of Homoeopathic Medical Colleges, Universities conducting examinations for the students for award of Degree and Post Graduate Degrees in Homoeopathy, practitioners, manufacturers of Homoeopathic Drugs besides the research activities.

Dr. R. K. Manchanda informed that the Govt. of India has given a strong support including the financial and legal one for the development of Homoeopathic System of Medicine which is perhaps a unique example globally. He emphasized that the research work in Homoeopathy can not only be left upon the C.C.R.H. as it has to be a joint venture in which Universities, Homoeopathic Medical Colleges and to some extent Homoeopathic practitioners need to be involved voluntarily.

Dr. R. K. Manchanda also focused on various activities in the Govt. sector concerning Homoeopathy in which education in Homoeopathy has to play a key role. If education in Homoeopathy at U.G. level and P.G.level is not strengthened then it may have adverse effect in the time to come on various activities referred to above in the Govt. sectors.

Dr. R. K. Manchanda volunteered that the research workers of C.C.R.H. are there to give the required guidance to all Homoeopathic Medical Colleges in the conduct of workshops, symposia etc. related to the research activities. He highlighted the role of computers and internet in all such colleges specially in the P.G. level courses.

The President of C.C.H. assured that all required cooperation will be given from CCH in such activities to strengthen Education in Homoeopathy in India.

2 thoughts on “Need to strengthen Education in Homoeopathy, says Dr. RK Manchanda”

  1. My Dear all colleagues,
    season’s greeting,
    I have delighted to hear Dr.Manchnda sir’s reflection concerning homoeopathy. Actually I am insisting the same thing since very long past. There are three faculties of medicine recognize in India i.e. Allopathy, Ayurvedic & Homœopathy.
    Out of these three faculties, the students of two faculties are taught with obsolete data.
    The students of Ayurvedic & Homœopathy faculties are taught with obsolete data. Yes! The literature of Ayurveda & Homœopathy has not updated since their inception. The literature of Ayurveda has not updated since about 2500 years. While Homœopathy has not updated since its inception its inception i.e. 200 years. Therefore, the curricula of them is inharmonious in nature.
    For example: The current curriculum of UG and PG i.e. BHMS and MD, which is proposed and recommended by the Central Council of Homœopathy CCH for the study of students, is fundamentally inharmonious in nature. The knowledge of the subjects in question and studies thereof, which are thought in the course, is not compatible with each other. I can’t understand why Homœopaths of Asian origin, especially of India, cannot look ahead of Hahnemann. Suppose if any physician presently got the knowledge that equals to the Hahnemann; still he has to breathe in 18th-19th centuries. He shall have no knowledge of the even cell, immunity, metabolism or bacteria etc. If he will write anything, certainly he will quote like Hahnemann in his text.
    Dr. Hahnemann in the footnote no. 10, in the introduction of 6th edition of ‘Organon’, on the page no. 44, referring to Mullen, quoted by Birch in the History of the Royal Society, inscribed that: “Life was endangered by injecting a little pure water into a vein.” Moreover, he added that, referring to the Autenrieth, Physiologie, ii,? 784: “Even the mildest fluids introduced into the veins endangered life.” It has now proved mistaken notion and wrong. Everybody now knows that, as per need and requirement of the patient litters of intravenous fluids have injected into veins. Since discovery of bacterial existence was not accomplished in his era, he was unaware of the bacterial infection. Consequently, due to lack of knowledge, referring to the Med. Comment of Edinb., Dec. 2, vol. ii, 1793, in the introduction of 6th edition of ‘Organon’, in the footnote no. 10, on the page no. 45, he inscribed that: “A girl in Glasgow, eight years of age, having been bit by a mad dog, the surgeon immediately cut the piece clean out, and yet thirty-six days afterwards she was seized with hydrophobia, which killed her in two days.” Anybody now can assume that, let it be how faster surgeon might have executed the amputation operation; it might never be faster than the blood circulation of the victim of dog bite. Suppose, if only few seconds of time would have consumed in carrying the victim to the surgeon and completing the operation by him, which is not possible at all, the blood of victim with the pathogenic bacteria certainly might have circulated at least hundreds of times in the body. Therefore, ill-fated victim was died of hydrophobia and not due to dynamic power. Similarly, on the page no. 45 he inscribed that: “The most careful and prompt washing of the genitals does not protect the system from infection with the venereal chancrous disease.” And that: “The slightest breath of air emanating from the body of a person affected with smallpox with suffice to produce this horrible disease in a healthy child.” All these inscriptions are good examples of the lack of knowledge on the part of Hahnemann. On account of lack of knowledge, in the introduction of 6th edition of ‘Organon’, on the page no. 46-47, he wrote that: “What ponderable quantity of material substance could have been absorbed into the fluids, in order to develop, in the first of these instances, a tedious dyscrasia (syphilis), which when uncured is only extinguished with the remotest period of life, with death; in the last, a disease (smallpox) accompanied by almost general suppuration, and often rapidly fatal? In these and all similar cases is it possible to entertain the idea of a material morbific matter being introduced into the blood? A letter written in the sick-room at a great distance has often communicated the same contagious disease to the person who read it. In this instance, can the notion of a material morbific matter having penetrated into the fluids be admitted? But what need is there of all such proofs?” Moreover he added that: “In these cases, where is the material morbific principle that entered in substance into the body, there to produce and keep up the disease, and without the material expulsion and ejection of which a radical cure were impossible?” All of the above mentioned examples show the status of knowledge of the medical science at that time.
    On account of lack of up-gradation of ‘Organon’, it is taught as per understandings of 18th-19th century; whilst other subjects are taught in their most updated form. It generates a lot of confusion in the mind of pupils. In the classroom of ‘Organon’, the teacher, as per guidelines of CCH, taught/give the conceptual (intangible) understanding of the diseases and cure; whereas teacher of the pathology tries to impart the most accepted basis of the diseases and cure; i.e. cellular and genetic basis of the diseases and cure. It’s like story of such a school, where one teacher teaches robbery is an evil and sin; it should not be done; whilst in the other classroom, other one says that, if anything is of our use, there is no harm in plundering it. The meaning of the education has been lost somewhere in the race of money-making. Now, on the name of education only information is feed up. But, at least some values must be very genuinely preserved.
    I am scientist working on medicine since last 40 years. In context of present scenario, I have updated the Homœopathic concept. But my updated version, even after appreciation by numerous related authorities over the globe, in vain. The concern authorities are waiting for some (sum) more recognition. Only then they may think to include my updates in curriculum.



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