Smoking :: Passive smoking causes chronic lung troubles, affecting healthy

Passive smoking does cause respiratory troubles in healthy adults, a new study confirms. The study is in the November issue of the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.

The Swiss study tracked nearly 1,700 nonsmokers for 11 years. Researchers found a strong association between secondhand smoke and the development of cough.

It also found that, in patients with bronchial hyper-reactivity, there was a link between secondhand smoke and respiratory symptoms such as wheezing, chronic bronchitis, cough, and dyspnea (shortness of breath).

The researchers said that people with bronchial hyper-reactivity who are constantly exposed to secondhand smoke are particularly at risk for early-onset chronic respiratory disease.

Passive smoking (also known as involuntary smoking, secondhand smoking, or Environmental Tobacco Smoke) occurs when the smoke from one person’s burning tobacco product (or the smoker’s exhalation) is inhaled by others.

There is controversy surrounding the health risks of long term exposure to second hand smoke, but the most recent studies confirm the health risks.

In 1992, Passive smoke was classified as a Group A carcinogen, which means it is known to cause cancer in humans.

Passive smoking is one of the key issues leading to smoking bans in workplaces, smoke-free restaurants, and public places.

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