Lymphadenopathy :: Cervical Lymphadenopathy – Carcinosin

Lean, thin emaciated female, aged about 19 years came to my clinic with the C/o swelling in the left side of the neck. The swelling was painful and was accompanied with fever, with evening rise of temperature. On examination, the swelling was found to be tender, regular in outline with smooth surface (TENDER CERVICAL LYMPHADENOPATHY).

On interrogation, patient revealed that she had not suffered from any of the childhood diseases such as measles, chickenpox, whooping cough etc. She also had a family history of Tuberculosis.

This feature of not having contracted any childhood disease I have frequently confirmed at the clinical bedside in favour of CARCINOSIN.

Taking into consideration the totality of the case, especially the above-mentioned indication, I prescribed CARCINOSIN 30/ 9 doses, T.D.S. X 3 days, followed by Placebo.

During the subsequent follow-up, patient reported marked improvement with subsidence of painful swelling and fever.

Carcinosin: Pleasure in Prescribing
From the desk of: Prof. L. M. Khan, M.D.(HOM.)
HOD, Deptt. of Organon, Homoeopathic Philosophy, Chronic Disease & Psychology,
National Institute of Homoeopathy, Kolkata, India.

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