In Tamil Nadu, commercial power generation in Kudankulam nuclear power plant started last midnight after getting approval from Nuclear Power Corporation according to its site director R S Sundar. The hot run of second unit will start from end of January after fulfilling technical requirements.
Of the 1000 Mega Watt electricity generated in the first unit, 562 will be given to Tamil Nadu, 221 MW to Karnataka, 133 MW to Kerala, 33 MW to Puducherry. Till now more than 335 crore units of electricity has been generated from Kudankulam nuclear power plant.
The electricity will be sold at Rs 4 per unit.
The Kudankulam Nuclear power plant with the help of Russian expertise was started in March 2002 and power generation which was to be started in December 2007 got delayed because of anti-nuclear protests by various organisations in Idinthakarai.