Homeopathic Medicine :: ALUMINA
1. – Inactivity of the rectum, oven soft stool requires great straining.
1. – Inactivity of the rectum, oven soft stool requires great straining.
1. – Influenza: acrid, burning coryza, nose stopped up at night, must breathe through the mouth, hoarseness, dry cough, oppressed breathing.
1. – Influenza; acrid, watery coryza, corroding the lips sore throat, hoarseness with rawness and burning in the larynx; dry tickling cough.
1. – Great weakness of memory.
1. – Child fretful and peevish, cannot bear to be touched or looked at.
1. – Child lies in torpor; delirium; sudden shrilling cries; squinting; grinding teeth; boring head in pillow; one side twitching, the other paralyzed; head wet from sweating; urine scanty, milky.
1. – In all varieties of dropsy, both idiopathic and secondary, especially when dependent upon disease of the liver.
1. – Viscid gray, jelly-like mucous in pharynx, easily hawked up; only in the morning.
1. – Sensation of expansion of the body, especially of the face and head, with feeling as if bones of skull separated.
1. – The head Alone or face alone, hot, the body cool.