Primarily it will be needed to streamline homoeopathy education and practice across India today. Education in colleges has gone topsy tarvy (different methods wrote in different books and taught differently by the teachers). There is no uniformity among teaching faculty and no single word is spoken to the innocent students about the precautions to be used while prescribing. The basic and primary need in Homeopathy is Precaution, precaution and more precaution. Following requirements are to be attended by one and all. Otherwise this subject may pose a challenge as well as a fearsome block to the practicing lot.
— Materia medica of Hahnemann, Hering and Kent should be taught; repertory of Kent and Boericke to be taught, Organon of Hahnemann and philosophy of Kent to be taught. No other book should be brought into the college forum. Suggestive readings can be prescribed from works of M. L. Tyler etc
— Use of LM potency to be encouraged (a good article is available by Dr Srikant Choudury in website itself).
— Students should be discouraged in using high potencies. Pseudo homeopaths to be immediately tackled by the central council who should derecognize them
— Pharmacies should not market high potencies
Lot of discipline is to be introduced beginning at college stage itself. Hope the readers agree with our views and concerns.
Dr. Kadam Khan
Forum of Homoepaths of Vijaywada