Homeopathic Medicine :: Thuja – Arbor Vitae

Indicated in the complications or sequelae of gonorrhoea (fig-warts, gonorrhoeal rheumatism and ovaritis, etc.) and the bad effects of vaccination. Used in syphilitic iritis and other complaints resting upon a syphilitic base; gonorrhoea with thin, greenish discharge and scalding during micturition. Has done good work in neuralgic headaches and in neuralgia in other parts (facial, ciliary). Adapted to the so-called hydrogenoid constitution; acts well in stout persons of dark complexion, lymphatic temperament and unhealthy skin.

Wart-shaped excresences, especially on hands and genitals; figwarts.

Fungoid growths which bleed from the slightest touch.

Sweating; only on uncovered parts; on perinaeum; on genitals. Sweat smells sour (on genitals); like honey; fetid on the feet.

Nails brittle, deformed.

Burning, darting pain in the outer parts and in the joints.

Urine high-colored and strong; severe cutting pain after urinating.

Sensation as if water were trickling down the urethra; after urinating.

Neuralgia with extreme soreness and stabbing pain; worse from touch and motion.

Extreme sensitiveness of the vagina (during coition).

Diarrhoea, chronic; stools watery, gushing, greasy; with gurgling as though water were poured from the bunghole of a barrel.

Worse at night; from damp and cold; from coffee; from vaccination.

(First Lessons in the Symptomatology of Leading Homoeopathic Remedies by H. R. Arndt, M. D. Philadephia. Boericke and Tafel.)

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