Homeopathic Medicine :: Secale – Ergot

Indicated in septic conditions, as puerperal mania; in diarrhoea of a grave character, dysentery, Asiatic cholera; in passive haemorrhages; in gangrene (senile). In all these the serious nature of the affection is shown by evidence of collapse, foulness of discharges, suppression of urine, unquenchable thirst, coldness of the body to touch, haemorrhagic tendency. Also of value in spinal disease with cramping, formication and numbness, and loss of motor power.

Face pale, sunken, hippocratic; anxious; eyes fixed, starring, with dark blue circles around them.

Great anxiety; fear of death.

Pulse small, rapid, contracted, intermitting.

Extremities, especially tips of fingers and toes cold and numb.

Passive haemorrhages of dark, thin blood; haemorrhagic diathesis.

Great debility, without previous loss of fluids.

The flesh feels cold to the touch, but the patient refuses to be covered.

Urine suppressed.

Trembling and unsteadiness of the whole body, paralytic weakness; paralysis.

Sighing, anxious respiration, with almost inaudible voice.

Cramps in the arms and legs; of extensor muscles.

Burning pain in the flesh, as though caused by sparks of fire.

Ravenous hunger (diarrhoea); unquenchable thirst (diarrhoea).

Vomiting of coffee-ground fluid, with hiccoughing.

Intense burning pain in the stomach and abdomen, with vomiting.

Diarrhoea profuse, watery, dark, putrid; painless, but very exhausting; comes with a gush; anus wide open. Involuntary stools.

Skin dark, shriveled, mottled, cold to touch; burning in the skin, relieved by leaving the part uncovered; petechiae; small boils which mature and head slowly and are very painful.

Dark, offensive leucorrhoea.

Worse from heat, from warm covering.

Better from being uncovered, from cold.

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