Homeopathic Medicine :: Hyoscyamus – Henbane

Indicated in conditions of great weakness, with much nervous excitement. Mania of a quarrelsome character, with obscenity and shamelessness. In conditions of marked muscular excitement; convulsions. Hence its use in chorea, epilepsy, tetanus, hydrophobia, convulsions from fright, in all forms of delirium and mania, with obscenity, shamelessness, inclination to quarel, including puerperal mania, the delirium of low fevers (typhus, typhoid, coma vigil), nymphomania. Occasionally used in coughs (whooping cough) and in the crying-out of nervous, children twitching during sleep, awaking in a fright.

Delirium, full of idle talk about trifles; quarrelsome, obscene, with indecent gestures and actions (strips himself, shows genitals).

Marked dryness of the mouth and throat, rendering swallowing difficult.

Sleeplessness from nervous excitement.

Violent convulsions, although there is comparative absence of symptoms indicating active cerebral congestion.

Pupils dilated, sparkling, fixed.

Tongue, dry, red, cracked, protruded with difficulty; speech difficult.

Picking at bed-clothes; reaching out for things.

Dry, spasmodic cough at night, from itching in the throat.


Diarrhoea, involuntary, with colicky pains.

Urination involuntary.

Worse at night, during menses, after eating, when lying down.

Better from stooping.

(First Lessons in the Symptomatology of Leading Homoeopathic Remedies by H. R. Arndt, M. D. Philadephia. Boericke and Tafel.)

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