Homeopathic Medicine :: GELSEMIUM

1. – Heaviness of the head, relieved after profuse emission of watery urine.

2. – Partial paralysis of the eyelids, tongue, or organs of deglutition.

3. – Fullness in head, heat of face, chilliness, thick speech, brain feels as if bruised.

4. – Diarrhoea after sudden emotions, as grief, fright, bad news, or the anticipation of an unusual ordeal.

5. – Inefficient labour pains, or none at all, or widely dilated, complete atony, or labour delayed by a rigid os.

6. – Fever beat with drowsiness. Sleep with half waking and murmuring frequently. Little thirst, feels very languid, and wants to lie still.

7. – Febrile chilliness, cold extremities, heat of the head and face.


(SEVEN-HUNDRED RED LINE SYMPTOMS from COWPERTHWAITE’S MATERIA MEDICA ; Written by Class of 1897 of Chicago Homoeopathic Medical ; Rewritten by J. W. Hutchison, M. D. of Saginaw, Mich.)

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