1. – A feeling of weakness in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea would result.
2. – Diarrhoea with want of confidence in the sphincter ani. The rectum seems full of fluid which feels heavy as if it would fall out.
3. – Passing involuntary stools while urging to urinate.
4. – Stools lumpy and watery, or composed of lumps of jelly-like mucus.
5. – Hemorrhoids protrude like a bunch of grapes, with, constant bearing down in the rectum.
(SEVEN-HUNDRED RED LINE SYMPTOMS from COWPERTHWAITE’S MATERIA MEDICA ; Written by Class of 1897 of Chicago Homoeopathic Medical ; Rewritten by J. W. Hutchison, M. D. of Saginaw, Mich.)