Heart Transplant :: Genes influence heart transplant rejection

Mario Deng, MD, assistant professor of Medicine in the division of Cardiology and director of the Cardiac Transplantation Research at Columbia University Medical Center, will present his laboratory’s research on the relationship between genes and the rejection of transplanted hearts.

Dr. Deng reconstructed the network of genes that are active at the time of heart transplant rejection and those active when the transplant is not rejected.

The researchers found that different genes were active in the white blood cells of patients who rejected the transplant.

These findings will hopefully help to develop new non-invasive anti-rejection diagnostic tests and target molecules for immuno-suppression and ultimately improve survival rates and quality of life after organ transplantation.

Columbia University Medical Center scientists will present the latest research findings in a wide range of cardiovascular areas at the 2006 American Heart Association Scientific Sessions in Chicago, Nov.12-15.

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