Health :: Conversation on health ends with record participation

The final numbers are in. The Conversation on Health has ended, with over 12,000 submissions and thousands more people taking part in public forums, providing their ideas on the future of the health system.

The year-long conversation gathered input from across the province on how the health care system can be strengthened within the framework of the Canada Health Act. This was the single largest public discussion on health in B.C. history.

A total of 78 sessions were held in all regions of the province and included forums, meetings and focus groups with health professionals, patients and members of the public. These sessions also included meetings with municipal leaders, Aboriginal groups, academics and children.

A total of 6,600 people registered for the forums. The Conversation on Health received more than 12,000 written submissions, phone calls and e-mails. The website recorded more than 5.7 million hits.

The provincial government is compiling the results of the Conversation into a final report to be issued later this year.

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