Gene :: Application of Genomatix in silico methods reveals novel cancer associated genes

Genomatix Software GmbH, an in silico systems biology company with headquarter in Munich, Germany, released today that researcher in Dublin, Ireland, and Boston, Mass., USA, identified novel cancer associated genes, based on strategies and products developed and promoted by Genomatix. Experimental verification by siRNA knock-down and RT-PCR confirmed the in silico results.

“I am delighted that an ever increasing number of scientists proof the validity of our concepts and experience the value of our integrated approach.

This excellent work, carried out by researchers at The Conway Institute of the University College, Dublin, The Mater Misericordiae University Hospital in Dublin and The Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston demonstrates a straightforward strategy from computer analysis to experimental verification.”, says Klaus May, Chief Business Officer at Genomatix.

He continues:” Two years ago we introduced our own concepts of an annotation and biology driven microarray analysis pipeline, and were heavily contested in the beginning. Today it is so rewarding to our scientists and developers to see the impact of our own ideas and research to cutting edge science of today.”

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