Embryo :: Complex ART procedures more likely to lead to umbilical cord abnormality

The more complex the assisted reproduction procedure, the more likely the umbilical cord develops in an atypical place or have other abnormalities, a scientist told the 23rd Annual Conference of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology today (Wednesday, July 4). Mrs. Ilse Delbaere, from Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium, said that the study, including over 4000 twin pregnancies, was the first to examine umbilical cord abnormalities in such a large population.

Diet :: Common environmental chemicals in diet affect fetal ovarian development

Exposing a developing female sheep fetus to low doses of chemicals commonly present in the environment can disturb the development of the ovary, a scientist told the 23rd Annual Conference of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology today (Wednesday, July 4). Dr. Paul Fowler, of the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, said that this research would help to establish the importance of the effect of environmental chemicals for fertility.

Infertility :: Complementary therapy for infertile women may reduce chances of pregnancy

Complementary therapies in assisted reproduction may diminish the effectiveness of medical treatment for infertility in women, a scientist will tell the 23rd annual conference of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology in Lyon, France, Wednesday, July 4.

Infant :: First baby is born after oocytes were matured in the lab and frozen

The first baby to be created from an egg that had been matured in the laboratory, frozen, thawed and then fertilized, has been born in Canada. Three other women are pregnant by the same process. The research was presented to the 23rd annual meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology on Monday, July 2.