Concerned over people’s hesitation to use natural products that have not been evaluated by the FDA. Hale Wai Ola, LLC has requested guidance from the federal government’s National Institute of Health, the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases and the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine with formally testing its product.
Wai Ola was first introduced early last year can now be found in all Hawaii’s Longs Drugstores, Daiei, Marukai and KTA stores. Several smaller stores on Maui and the Friendly Market on Molokai also carry this product. Wai Ola is a dietary supplement that supports the healthy functioning of the liver and pancreas. It provides nutritional support in lowering, balancing and maintaining a normal glucose level.
Although it is steadily gaining recognition the maker of this product is very concerned that there are many people who could benefit from the use of this product and are not because it lacks an FDA review. An FDA review is not required since it is made from food products. The compan feels people have come to rely too heavily on the stamp of an agency that approves items with serious and often time deadly side effects. The company advocates and encourages people to research the products and the ingredients they are using. This will enable them to become active participants in planning their healthcare regime. They can also protect themselves from developing many conditions and complications.
Donna Willard, developer of the supplement Wai Ola is confident that her product will stand up to testing and meet its claims of helping in lowering blood glucose levels and providing the foundation for healthy functioning of the liver and pancreas.
To assist diabetics and their families in living with, coping with and changing their understanding of diabetes, Willard is planning a series of workshops throughout the islands.
Wai Ola is a dietary supplement that supports the healthy functioning of the liver and pancreas. It provides nutritional support in lowering, balancing and maintaining a normal glucose level; the cleansing of the blood system, boosting the immune system and strengthening circulation. Designed for the diabetic, Wai Ola Also supplies an important foundation for other conditions, hepatitis, high blood pressure, obesity, poor circulation and low immune system; while purifying the blood. Stabile blood sugar levels provide for increased energy and decreased appetite and cravings. The diabetic is seeing tremendous results from using Wai Ola.