Homoeopathic system of medicine can treat and prevent dengue fever (DF) and dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) by immuno-modulation of the patients without any side and adverse effects. Homeopathy has been used successfully in the others countries apart from India in the past. The selection of homoeopathic drugs in these cases depends upon the individual response to infection and virulence of the virus. The symptomatology of the patients those who are having dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic are studied to decide about the curative and preventive homoeopathic medicines for any patient as well as epidemic as a whole.
There are about 25 homoeopathic drugs available for the treatment of dengue fever. These are Aconite., Arnica, Arsenic-alb., Arum-tri., Baptisia., Belladonna., Bryonia., Cantharis., China officinalis Colocynthis., Eupatorium perfoliatum., Ferrum metallicum., Gelsemium., Hamamelis., Ipecac., Lachesis, Merc-sol, Nux vomica., Podophyllum., Rhus toxicodendron., Rhus-venenata., Sanicula., Secale cornutum and Sul-acidum. These drugs had been successfully used by various homeopaths across the globe for its treatment and management. In 1996 during the epidemic of dengue in Delhi Eupatorium perfoliatum was found most effective.
The present epidemic of dengue fever in Delhi is of two types. One is simple Dengue fever (DF) having no mortality, self limiting course and the patient usually recovers within five to seven days. The most useful medicines for this type of dengue fever are Arsenic album, Bryonia, Eupatorium perfoliatum, Gelsemium, and Rhus toxicodendron. These medicines are required to be used in 30 or 200 potency as per the indications and under the supervision of qualified homeopathic doctors.
The second type of dengue is of Dengue Haemorrhagic fever (DHF), which is a severe type of infection and can be fatal. It usually develops in patients those who are already sensitized with dengue virus. The high grade fever is usually associated with severe nausea vomiting, abdominal pain and bleeding from nose, gums, blood in vomiting and stools. This type of Dengue fever (DHF) can be treated with Crotalus horridus, Ferrum metallcum, Hamamelis, Ipecac, Lachesis and Secale-cor along-with the intensive general management of the patient in form of monitoring of their leucocytes and platelet counts. These medicines can be safely used in every patient along with the general treatment being given by the allopathic doctors. After studying some of the dengue haemorrhagic patients it appears that Ipecac in 30 and 200 potency can be most indicated in the present epidemic.
(Dilli Homoeopathic Anusandhan Parishad)