In Uttar Pradesh,the Bahujan Samaj Party Chief Mayawati today said that her party will contest the upcoming Lok Sabha elections on all 80 seats in Uttar Pradesh alone, having no alliance with any major political formation.
The BSP chief, while releasing the list of her party candidates for 80 Lok Sabha seats in Uttar Pradesh, said that her party will attempt to defeat both Congress and the BJP in these polls to ensure niether the BJP, nor Congress government is formed at the Centre. Mayawati said she will not contest election.
She also denied the reports of fielding party general secretary S.C. Mishra against Narendra Modi from Varanasi. Mayawati said that her party will try to become the balance of power at the centre.
AIR correspondent reports that the party has fielded fifteen candidates from backward classes, nineteen to Muslims, twenty one to Brahmins, eight to Kshatriyas and seventeen to scheduled castes.