Bird Flu :: Human H5N1 vaccine in lab – Nha Trang, Vietnam

The Nha Trang Institute of Vaccines and Biological Products, Vietnam has announced that it has successfully produced 5,000 doses of a H5N1 vaccine for humans from chicken embryos, which is currently being validated by the Ministry of Health before possible human trials.

The vaccine gave similar results after being tested on white mice, guinea-pig and cockerels. The quality was tested against the World Health Organisation (WHO)’s standards.

In the lab, the group of scientists injected two doses of vaccine into white mice, guinea-pig and cockerels with the second dose being given 20 days after the first dose.

Samples taken from the vaccinated animals 10 days after the second dose, showed that the vaccine produced the highest haemagglutinin (HA) antibody levels.

The tested animals had levels of between 40-320 hemagglutination inhibition units (HIU), accounting for an average level of 76.6-100 percent.

These vaccines have been sent to the National Institute of Verification of Vaccines and Biological Products. Nguyen Thi Minh Hien, who is directly involved in the research, said the institute will produce another 5,000 doses of the vaccine in early 2007 for tests at international verification centres. If successful, the institute will propose to test on humans.

The H5N1 virus has killed 42 people in Vietnam since late 2003, and is now considered endemic in the country. The Southeast Asian nation is the worst hit by the disease after Indonesia.

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