Bird Flu :: 2 bird flu positive cases dead in Bali, Indonesia

AS (f, 28 years) who lived in Banjar Batu Gaing, Baraban, Kediri, Tabanan Bali died on August 21, 2007 at 01.30 p.m. at Sanglah Hospital. She was identified positive of avian influenza (AI) based on observation of Balitbangkes and Eijkman Laboratory. Therefore, there are 2 AI positive cases dead in Bali.

Cumulatively, AI case in Indonesia reaches 105, with 84 people dead. The Case Fatality Rate (CFR) is 80%.

She had her onset in August 2007 and was hospitalized at Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar on August 8, 2007 with difficulty in breathing. She had contact with chicken previously, while rapid test to chicken is positive of H5N1 virus.

This latest information is received by center for Public Communication from Dr. H. Nadhirin at AI outbreak post, DG of Disease Control & Environmental Health MOH on August 22, 2007.

There has not been effective drug for AI. The recent one is oseltamivir, which only functions to obstruct virus growth. The only effective way is by preventing AI virus infection.

AI transmission still comes from avian. Since the huge risk factor of transmission among human, people are suggested not to keep avian for awhile or separate avian from settlement.

When finding sudden dead or sick chicken/avian, people should immediately report it to RT/RW, head of village, health center or local health/farming offices.

To prevent and protect from AI infection, people should:

– not touch dead or sick avian, or else, immediately clean body with soap.

– wash hand and kitchen utensils with water and soap, and cook avian meat an eggs well.

– separate avian from human as well as new avian from the old ones (at least 3 weeks)

– go to health center or hospital when finding flu and fever symptoms, especially after having contact with avian.

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