On June 6 1996, Master M, age two and a half year was brought to me with the C/O Bronchial Asthma. The Asthma dated back to the time when the patient was just two days old. Since then he has had many episodes of breathlessness and cough, which were being managed by allopathic treatment. Now the family wanted to start a homoeopathic treatment.
During the case taking, some of the characteristics symptoms, which came to light, were:
1. H/O tuberculosis in the family
2. H/O skin problem
3. Retarded growth
Based on these points, the patient was prescribed Bacillinum 200 one dose to be followed by Placebo for 15 days.
On June 21, 1996, the patient reported back with no relief in the conditions. Again Placebo was given.
On July 1, 1996, the patient was brought in a very bad shape. He was having status Asthmaticus. The case was re-viewed. It was now revealed that his mother has been un-happy since the marriage. Even during pregnancy she was not happy in the family. Taking this to be the ’cause’ of child’s disease, Ignatia 200 / three doses half-hourly was administered followed by Placebo. The very following day the parents and the grandparents of the child came back saying, “such type of recovery never occurred even with bronchodilators and steroids”. The patient was then kept on Placebo for some time, the attacks gradually lessened both in intensity as well as in frequency and ultimately stopped altogether.
This case beautifully illustrates the suppression of mind, the grief that was transmitted from the mother to the psyche of the child while still in the womb, and how Ignatia removed the ’cause’ and thus, its ‘effect’. To be cured in such a short, gentle and permanent way is nothing short of a miracle.
Dr. B. S. Johri