Food allergy in children commonly results in irritating, uncomfortable symptoms that occur after eating a food or food additive.
Upper respiratory symptoms:
* Clear, runny nasal discharge
* Stuffy nose
* Itchy nose
* A horizontal crease across the top of the nose caused by frequent rubbing.
* A cold from April to October, with a clear nasal discharge.
* Mouth breathing
* Wheezing
* Dry cough
Gastrointestinal symptoms:
* Pulls legs up to abdomen and cries
* Screams as if in pain from cramps
* Passes gas or belches frequently
* Spits up often, especially after eating
* Suffers from chronic diarrhea
Skin changes:
* Eczema (dry, itchy patches on the cheeks and the creases of the arms and legs)
* Redness to skin
* Rash on the chest/abdomen that will not clear up