Homeopathic Medicine :: NITRIC ACID

1. – Blisters and ulcers on the tongue and mucous membranes of the mouth and throat, with pricking, burning pain on being touched, especially after the abuse of mercury.

2. – Superficial ulcers like chancres, on glans and prepuce, looking clean, but exuding an offensive moisture.

3. – Sycotic excresences on the glans, bleeding when touched.

4. – Stitches and sticking pains as from splinters,. especially on touch, in all parts of the body.

5. – Ulcers with stinging and pricking pains, edges. irregular; exuberant granulations, after mercury or in secondary syphilis.

6. – Cracking in maxilliary articulation when chewing.

7. – Sticking pains in rectum, and spasmodic constriction. in anus during stool; fissures.

8. – Pain as if the rectum would be torn asunder during stool.


(SEVEN-HUNDRED RED LINE SYMPTOMS from COWPERTHWAITE’S MATERIA MEDICA ; Written by Class of 1897 of Chicago Homoeopathic Medical ; Rewritten by J. W. Hutchison, M. D. of Saginaw, Mich.)

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