Freemasonry :: Hahnemann – Freemason

We find some indications in our old literature that Hahnemann was initiated in the Freemason’s lodge at the age of 22 years.

The index of the Brothers of the Masonic Lodge “St. Andreas zu den drei Seeblattern” contains the following lines: (translated)

Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann, born at Meissen in Saxony in 1755.
Status: Candidatus Med. and Librarian to S. E. the Governer.
Religion: Protestant.
Admitted to First Degree
16th October, 1777.

Hahnemann was made a member of this lodge (in Hermannstadt) in the presence of Samuel von Brukenthal (Past Master of the Lodge) (Governor of Transylvania) who offered a post to Hahnemann as Librarian and Family Physician (when Hahnemann was in Vienna, with Dr. Quarin’s assistance).

Die Finanzierung seines Lebensunterhaltes war weiterhin problematisch, bis er durch die Vermittlung Quarins beim Statthalter von Siebenb?rgen, Samuel von Brukenthal in Hermannstadt, als Hausarzt f?r dessen Familie arbeiten konnte und sich mit der Ordnung der Bibliothek und dessen M?nzsammlung besch?ftigte. Durch Brukenthal bekam Hahnemann Verbindung zu den Freimaurern in der Loge “Sankt Andreas Zu den Drei Seebl?ttern”.

This index of the Brothers forms an appendix to Ferd. von Zieglauer’s history of the Masonic Lodge “St. Andreas zu den drei Seeblattern”, published in Hermannstadt 1767 – 1790, in the archives of the Society for historical knowledge of Siebenurgen. N. F., Vol. XIII, p.62ff.: Hahnemann’s name is to be found on page 66 under serial number 41.

If we consider the well-known fact that in those days it was the highest dignitaries and most distinguished personalities who were members of the Freemason Lodges, this admission might prove to be of the greatest importance to Hahnemann’s progress.

We do not find any direct mention of his being mason in any of his writings, but we find sporadic evidences those prove that Hahnemann was accompanied with other fellow masons in his later part of life also, and they used to follow the culture and styles of Masonic lodge.

Here I would like to mention small excerpts from one of our old literature:

“After the sessions (3 days meeting 15th-17th Sept.) on September 17, 1835 was ended a banquet, at which all the members of the society (Gallican Homoeopathic Society – Societe Gallicane) were present, was given (in Paris), and which Hahnemann honored with his own presence.

Among the toasts given was the following:

“To the speedy union of Allopaths and Homoeopaths”

“A l’union prochaine des Allopathes et des Homoeopathes, a la justice que les premiers netarderont pas a rendre a nos efforts constans par activer les progress de l’art de guerir.”

Hahnemann could not attain to a higher degree in the brotherhood of the Lodge in Hermannstadt, as his stay in that town was short. Whether, when and where he attained the higher degrees could not be ascertained. But he frequently signed himself in later years in letters as “Br.” (Brother) – Brother Hahnemann, in the masonic manner, demonstrating that he at least supported its precepts.

Dr. Anil Singhal MD(Homeo)

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