Eyes :: Donning protective glasses clearly key to eye-injury prevention

Accidental eye injury is a leading cause of visual impairment nationally, yet nearly 70 percent of those injured weren’t wearing protective eyewear, the main preventive measure, say ophthalmologists at UT Southwestern Medical Center, say ophthalmologists at UT Southwestern Medical Center.

“It’s a simple thing that could make a big difference,” says Dr. Preston Blomquist, a specialist in ocular trauma.

Many household chemicals ? such as cleaning fluids, detergents and ammonia ? are extremely hazardous and can burn the eye’s delicate tissues. When using chemicals, always read instructions and labels carefully, work in a well-ventilated area and make sure spray nozzles point away from you and others. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly after use. In case of a chemical burn, flush the eye with clean water.

Before using power lawn equipment, check for debris. Stones, twigs and other items can become dangerous projectiles shooting from lawnmower blades, potentially injuring the operator’s eyes or those of bystanders. Wear safety glasses when using lawn equipment and while using tools in the workshop.

If you suffer an eye injury, such as a cut, a chemical burn or an object stuck in the eye, seek medical help immediately. Don’t try to treat it yourself. You should also seek immediate treatment after a blow if you feel pain or lose vision, or if the eye blackens.

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