Obese :: Obese patients run higher risk of post-operative complications

Obese patients have a significantly higher risk of complications following surgery, including heart attack, wound infection, nerve injury and urinary tract infection, according to a new study from researchers at the University of Michigan Health System.

Urinary Tract Infection :: Treatments for urinary infections leave bacteria bald, happy and vulnerable

A different approach to treating urinary tract infections (UTIs) could defeat the bacteria that cause the infections without directly killing them, a strategy that could help slow the growth of antibiotic-resistant infections. Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have been working to create pharmaceuticals that essentially “defang” the bacteria by preventing them from assembling pili, microscopic hairs that enable the bacteria to invade host cells.

Homeopathy :: 60 percent of doctors’ surgeries prescribe homeopathic or herbal remedies

60 percent of Scottish doctors’ surgeries prescribe homeopathic remedies according to a study of nearly two million patients. Homeopathic prescribing is most prevalent among babies under 12 months and older people aged 81-90. The authors have called for a critical review of prescribing. The paper is published as leading UK scientific institutions voice concerns about changes to homeopathic labelling rules that came in in September 2006.

Exposure to dioxins influences male reproductive system, study of Vietnam veterans concludes

A dioxin toxin contained in the herbicide Agent Orange affects male reproductive health by limiting the growth of the prostate gland and lowering testosterone levels, researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center have found in a cohort study of more than 2,000 Air Force veterans who served during the Vietnam War.

Enuresis :: Homoeopathy in Enuresis – Bed Wetting

A very commonly seen problem in the clinic for which parents seek treatment and get concerned out of proportion. Children vary in the age at which they gain nocturnal continence of urine. About 10-15% of normal children at the age of 5 years still wet the bed at night. Boys slightly predominate over girls (as girls generally attain nocturnal bladder control early than boys), and there is increased incidence in some families. The factors leading to gaining in the bladder control are complex and involve maturation of the necessary neurological pathways as well as emotional factors.

Appendicitis :: Acute Appendicitis and Homoeopathy

Appendicitis is a common and urgent surgical illness with variable manifestations, generous overlap with other clinical syndromes, and significant morbidity, which increases with diagnostic delay. No single sign, symptom, or diagnostic test accurately makes the diagnosis of appendiceal inflammation in all cases. The surgeon’s goals are to evaluate a relatively small population of patients referred for suspected appendicitis and to minimize the negative appendectomy rate without increasing the incidence of perforation.