The word ‘congestion’ appears in the chapters HEAD, UTERUS, GENERALITIES etc. When and where to make use of this rubric?
When two or more complaints co-exist in a part of the body, those two or more symptoms are not to be repertorised as two separate and distinct symptoms. E.g., a patient complains of headache, vertigo and uneasiness in the head. This is to be grouped as such and the rubric ‘congestion’ in the chapter HEAD must be pressed into service.
A patient complains of corns in soles, cramps in calves, swelling of feet, knee pain etc. all in lower limbs. Now, all the complaints are in the
leg. For this when we look into KENT’S Repertory (page 965) we read ‘CONGESTED. (See Blood.)”. So, we turn to p.93 and find the following:
Lower Limbs: AUR., calc., elaps, zinc.
Legs: Lact., meph., nux-m., phos., SPONG, SULPH., zinc.
The next step is to read these remedies (that we got thru’ repertories) in
(1) Samuel Lilienthal’s HOMEOPATHIC THERAPEUTICS; and/or
In the latter, the chapters that enable us to pinpoint the remedy for the patient are ‘MIND’ ‘TISSUES’ and ‘STAGES OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION’
We talk and write so many things on homeopathy. But the foremost is correct selection of the remedy-the simillimum. The ultimate aim is to cure the patient with the simillimum. Once this is done successfully homeopathy can prosper and become popular speedily. But none talk on ‘how to select the remedy.’
Dr. V. Krishnamurthy,
21 Kuppiah Street,
West Mambalam,