Pyrexia :: Pyrexia and Sambucus Nigra

Mr. D. consulted me for his son aged 4 years who had pyrexia upto 103?F and was not yielding to the allopathic medicine.

The child would not pass stool for several days without enema.

Another trouble was that his breathing used to become hurried at night followed by stoppage for a second. At this point the child used to be very restless, he could get his breath again with great difficulty. This breathing trouble repeated several times during the night keeping the parents awake and anxious.

On this data I prescribed the child Lac Defloratum 30 3 doses each day.

On the 2nd day the child passed a voluminous stool and the temperature came down to normal. There was no improvement in the breathing pattern.

On the 2nd day I stopped Lac Defloratum 30 and gave Sambucus Nigra 30 4 doses to be given 6 hourly. Sambucus Nigra 30 4 doses were continued for about 15 days and the child was cured.

I forgot to mention that the patients were so anxious and worried about his breathing that they had tape recorded his breathing and played it on before several leading physicians of the city but no help could be given to the child.

It was a constant fear in the mind of the patient that his breathing might stop at any time.

Sambucus Nigra 30 did the work and made them friends of Homoeopathy.

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