The Minister of Culture Smt. Chandresh Kumari Katoch has said that the Government has set up seven Zonal Cultural Centres (ZCCs) having their headquarters at Patiala, Udaipur, Allahabad, Kolkata, Dimapur, Nagpur and Thanjavur.
The main objectives of the ZCCs are the preservation, promotion and dissemination of the traditional folk arts and culture of the various States/ Union Territories.
In a written reply in the Lok Sabha Smt. Katoch said, the ZCCs endeavor to develop and promote the rich diversity and uniqueness of various arts of the Zone and to upgrade and enrich consciousness of the people about their cultural heritage.
The ZCCs have been carrying out various activities and organizing programmes at the national, zonal and local levels in accordance with their aims and objectives implemented through following schemes:–
i. National Cultural Exchange Programme
ii. Guru Shishya Parampara Scheme
iii. Young Talented Artistes Scheme
iv. Documentation of Vanishing Art Forms
v. Theatre Rejuvenation Scheme
vi. Shilpagram Activities
vii. Loktarang –National Folk Dance Festival and OCTAVE -Festival of the North East.