Pain :: FDA amends labeling changes to OTC Pain Relievers

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today proposed to amend the labeling regulations on over-the-counter (OTC) Internal Analgesic, Antipyretic, and Antirheumatic (IAAA) drug products to include important safety information regarding the potential for stomach bleeding and liver damage and when to consult a doctor. OTC IAAA drug products, commonly known as acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen and ketoprofen, are used to treat pain, fever, headaches, and muscle aches.

To help ensure safe use of OTC products, and to provide consumers with the labeling necessary for them to make more informed medical decisions, FDA is proposing the following label changes:

For Products Containing Acetaminophen
To require new warnings which would highlight the potential for liver toxicity, particularly when using acetaminophen in high doses, when taking more than one product with acetaminophen, and when taken with moderate amounts of alcohol;
To require that the ingredient acetaminophen be prominently identified on the product’s principal display panel (PDP) of the immediate container, and the outer carton (if applicable).

For Products Containing NSAIDs
To require new warnings for products that contain an NSAID which would highlight the potential for stomach bleeding in persons over age 60, in persons who have had prior ulcers or bleeding, in persons who take a blood thinner, when taking more than one product containing an NSAID, when taken with moderate amounts of alcohol, and when taking for longer time than directed; and
To require that the name of the NSAID ingredient and the term “NSAID” be prominently identified on the product’s PDP of the immediate container and the outer carton (if applicable).

The new labeling would be required for all OTC drug products that contain only an IAAA ingredient, as well as for products that contain an IAAA ingredient with other ingredients, such as cold symptom relievers. Consumers may also be taking IAAA ingredients in their prescription medications, which makes it important to alert them of the contents of their OTC medications, so they do not take too much of an IAAA ingredient.

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