Diet :: A gluten-free pancake that really stacks up
Sweet potatoes shouldn’t be just for holiday cooking. At least that’s the finding of food scientists with the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) in New Orleans, La.
Sweet potatoes shouldn’t be just for holiday cooking. At least that’s the finding of food scientists with the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) in New Orleans, La.
The Mainland will implement arrangements on the strengthened control of batch numbers and identification marks for exported poultry eggs and the issuance of health certificates for eggs on January 1. Most of the consignments of poultry eggs issued with health certificates will arrive in Hong Kong a few days later.
If the kids in your family come to blows this holiday break over who gets to play with the new Elmo TMX, parents may need to do more than just dismiss it as ?kid?s stuff,? according to a new study by University of New Hampshire researchers.
Kids and adults will stay glued to video games this holiday season because the fun of playing actually is rooted in fulfilling their basic psychological needs. Psychologists at the University of Rochester, in collaboration with Immersyve Inc., a virtual environment think tank, asked 1,000 gamers what motivates them to keep playing. The results published in the journal Motivation and Emotion this month suggest that people enjoy video games because they find them intrinsically satisfying.
The U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reminds consumers to pay special attention to the handling of eggs and preparation of foods that contain eggs during this holiday season.
With holiday celebrations to attend and family gatherings to prepare for, the winter season can be busy and joyful. But for many, heightened expectations and the stresses of holiday events can increase anxiety and cause depression.
Although some Americans gain five to seven pounds with a diet of big meals and sweets between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day, most people only gain a pound or two during the holidays, according to a UT Southwestern Medical Center registered dietitian.
“Low-fat” foods may not help in the fight against obesity. Cornell studies in movie theatres, holiday parties and homes show people eat an average of 28 percent more total calories when they think a food is low-fat. This is worse for obese people, who tend to eat up to 50 percent more.
This Christmas, millions of Americans will be sending gifts to family and friends in New York, Los Angeles, and everywhere in between. With holiday shipping deadlines rapidly approaching (USPS parcel post deadline is 12/13, FedEx Ground deadline is 12/15, and UPS express mail deadline is 12/22), there are only a few days left to find the right gifts for everyone on your list that are easy to find and mail.
U of I plant scientist Daniel Warnock hopes that one day soon a uniquely marbled pink poinsettia will be available to consumers who like decorating for the holidays with a flare for the unusual. The variety is yet unnamed, but is a natural mutation of a poinsettia variety called Premium Picasso.