Lt Gen Saibal Mukherjee has taken over as the Director General of Army?s Medical Services, here. An alumnus of Government Medical College, Nagpur he was commissioned into the Army Medical Corps in May 1970.
After obtaining MD in Radio Diagnosis from Pune University in 1977, he completed training in Radiation Oncology from the prestigious Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai and received MD from Bombay University. A pioneer in the field of cancer treatment in the Armed Forces, he worked at the Malignant Diseases Treatment Centres, both at Pune and Delhi.
He has held important appointment of Commandant, Command Hospital Kolkata and Deputy Director Medical Services at HQ Eastern Command. He was commanding the prestigious Armed Forces Medical College before he took over as DGMS (Army). For his unflinching dedication to the cause of service, he was recently awarded Ati Vishisht Seva Medal.